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Shropshire Salumi
  • Shropshire Salumi

    Shropshire Salumi is a small company based to the north of Shrewsbury producing handmade Salumi the traditional way, priding themselves on the quality of ingredients, artisan methods and nose-to-tail ethos.

    All the pork they use is outdoor reared Gloucester Old Spot sourced within 2 miles of the premises, all spices are sourced from ethical suppliers and are of the finest quality and they use traditional casings for their products. 

    Founded by self confessed charcuterie enthusiast and all round 'foodie', Will Macken, Shropshire Salumi began life as a small-time hobby taking place in Will's kitchen in Grafton, Shropshire. Between running his full time job as a conservation consultant and managing his home life involving three energetic young daughters, Will spent his spare hours preparing and curing meats for himself, family and friends. Following such positive responses from those close to him it was clear that Will's talent for meat curing had more to offer than just a part-time hobby. 

    Shropshire Salumi fast evolved from the worktops of Will's kitchen to a sizely custom built curing room that enabled him to supply local farms shops and market stalls around Shropshire such as the Shrewsbury Farmer's Market, Made in Shropshire, Lydham Farmer's Market,  Ludlow Producer's Market, and Oswestery Artisan Market.


    07973 395 552

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