Field & Found
Field & Found is an independent clothing brand formed by designer/seamstress Victoria Whitfield.
Victoria has a strong belief in the partnership between beauty and practicality. Influenced greatly by the hard working folk of her home in the rural Welsh borders, alongside a love for 1920’s to 40’s work-wear and the utilitarian style of the Women’s Land Army; Victoria makes stylish clothes to live and work in, contemporary in design with a classical British edge.
Field and Found designs are made to stand the test of time; in both a style and usage. Built to be kept and loved, not thrown away to make way for the next ‘trend’.
The linen for her garments is sourced near her paternal family home in Northern Ireland. The Veg Tanned Leather components are made by a small family run leather company in the west country, and two dear friends come and lend a hand in the studio on days when Victoria can’t quite do all the sewing herself.
Field & Found has a real bricks and mortar shop within the wonderfully eclectic surroundings of ‘The Old Electric Shop’ in Hay-on-Wye.
07838 375023