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  • appleTeme

    At appleTeme they hand pick and press local apples to create delicious tasting apple juice.

    Each limited press has great character and depth of flavour due to a mix of apple varieties.

    This is achieved by blending an assortment of heritage varieties, many particular to Shropshire and Herefordshire and not found in commercial production today.

    Apple picking begins in late summer, increasing during the autumn, picked when just ripe. They are then stored accordingly to allow suitable optimum flavour followed by all being washed by hand, rejecting any bruises before pressing. The team always ensures a carefully judged ratio of dessert and cooking apples, so to guarantee a balanced, well rounded flavour.

    appleTeme don’t mind about shape, as long as the apples haven’t been sprayed with chemical insecticides.


    Many of the forgotten varieties of apple used at appleTeme have wonderful flavour, using other forgotten fruits such as the wonderfully flavourful Shropshire Prune Damson, quinces, blackberries, elderberries, medlars and more recently mulberries which are blended with the apple juice to create new flavours.


    appleTeme is founded and run by Tish Dockerty who also runs the Local to Ludlow Market.



    07985 218727

    appleTeme at the Old Brewery,
    Lloyds Yard off Corve Street,
    SY8 1DJ.

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